Wednesday, February 29, 2012


En camino al pueblo una pareja llevaba a su hijo a registrar al censo. Cuando salieron el padre decidió subir al burrito que llevaban, a su hijo para así poder llevar un paso de adultos, y llegar más rápido.

 Después de algún tiempo de camino, el padre escuchaba a las mujeres  que pasaban murmurar

 “mira ese par de tontos, llevan al niño montado en vez de montar a la pobre señora en el burro”

…a lo que decidió hacer caso! Después de un tiempo mas de camino, escucho a los hombres que pasaban murmurar…

”mira a esa floja mujer, montadota en el burro en vez de usarlo para el, ellos son mas jóvenes!”

…a lo que nuevamente decidió hacer caso! Después de otro tiempo mas escucho de otra gente decir…

”mira esos brutos, en vez de ir todos montados en el burro solo va uno”

...a lo que nuevamente decidió hacer caso…y todos montaron en el burro. Ya casi llegando al pueblo escucharon a los protectores de animales demandarles clemencia y juicio por el abuso que estaban cometiendo sobre el pobre animal!

"ignorantes!, faltos de concideracion animal y juicio!"

 Total que finalmente decidieron caminar todos! …cuando entraban en el pueblo escucharon a la gente reírse de ellos, pues nadie daba crédito de lo que veían!...

A veces hacer las cosas por darle gusto a la razón de los demás puede ser contraproducente.

 A veces ni el cargador mismo sabe lo que lleva cargando!

Como ven cada uno de nosotros llevamos nuestra única y propia realidad paseando por la vida.

Cual es la mejor o la correcta? Para que? Para quien? Y porque?

el Puente

 En una ocasión…el Buda cruzaba un puente con algunos de sus discípulos, cuando escucho las quejas del fétido olor y gusanos que salían del cadáver en descomposición de un animal bajo el puente. 

 El Buda se volvió hacia ellos y les dijo…”eso que Uds. rechazan y repudian es un paraíso perfumado para los gusanos que lo habitan”.

Con ciencia...

Mas allá de lo que aprendimos en la escuela sobre la conciencia, es decir “darse cuenta de” que mas implica?

Del Chakra “tribal” aprendimos sobre el origen de nuestros códigos tribales de Lealtad, Honor y Justicia. Estos valores “adquiridos” forman parte intrínseca de nuestro sistema de creencias. Al punto de que independientemente de la edad que tengamos siguen “operativos” casi al 99%, si; así es, mucha gente se muere sin ni siquiera haberse “dado cuenta de”.
Una de las cosas que nos “unifican”, y “solidarizan” como una familia, ciudad, y/o nación aparte del aspecto neurolinguistico  (idioma, cultura, etc.) son estos tres códigos o valores, por otro lado nos dan un sentido de “pertenencia”. A tal punto son “determinantes” de nuestro estado de conciencia que normalmente asumimos que nuestra “realidad personal” o tribal en efecto corresponde “exactamente” a la de otras personas y/o tribus; y en gran medida así es.  Sin embargo, el choque de estas “realidades” en muchos casos es también la fuente principal de conflicto, muchas veces llevándonos a extremos de violencia. Porque? Porque “yo” tengo la razón. Porque mis códigos de Lealtad, Honor y Justicia son los VERDADEROS y además son UNIVERSALES! Vez? y ademas son los que deben prevalecer...

Parte inicial de “hacer conciencia” es precisamente darse cuenta de que eso es una falacia y una magnifica oportunidad para incrementar nuestro nivel de conciencia. Lo que por supuesto nos va a apartar del “juicio”, pues para entonces sabremos que nuestro código de “valores tribales” es relativo, que es solo un librito más en nuestra primera mochila del “kinder “ de la vida. Así pues….quieres saber como va tu nivel de conciencia? Observa tus juicios, y date “cuenta de” a que obedecen. 

Hablando de conciencia otra cosa interesante…es el hecho de que interpretamos o nos imaginamos, que “todos” PERCIBIMOS la vida EXACTAMENTE IGUAL a todos los demás. Damos por hecho que los colores que OTROS ven son exactamente iguales a los que yo veo, y por igual lo transpolamos a todos los demás sentidos.
 El aspecto Tribal es realmente poderoso… al punto de que no nos podemos empezar a  contemplar personalmente (chakra tres) hasta que no hayamos contemplado y experimentado el espejo; es decir…al “otro” (chakra dos). Para que después de “darnos cuenta” de quienes creemos que somos y en donde pensamos que estamos; emprendamos el regreso a casa trabajando los Chakras (4,5 y 6) superiores.

Otra constante interesante que viene incluida en esta ecuación son los “contratos sagrados”. Conforme nuestra conciencia se incrementa, incorpora la realidad de lo que hemos elegido vivir en esta vida con el fin de seguir aprendiendo lo que nos toca aprender, ya sea por Karma o por Dharma. Cuando decimos que alguien “tiene un alto nivel de conciencia”  generalmente le adjudicamos un sentido moral de bien o mal; cuando quizás el punto crucial es simplemente hacer lo que sea que venimos a hacer a este plano en un estado despierto, sin establecer juicios o interpretaciones !
 En otras palabras, lo que esto significa es que la próxima vez que te toque vivir alguna circunstancia “cuestionable (estupro, violación, abusos, incesto, etc. etc. etc.)” según las buenas costumbres, alta moral y “lógica” de tu “tribu”...


Pues es el UNIVERSO el que te esta ayudando a crecer! Porque antes de venir a vivir lo que sea que elegiste vivir con la ayuda de tus GUIAS, tu estuviste de acuerdo en experimentar exactamente lo que estas experimentando!  Incluso ahorita! Todo esto con el fin de  “hacer conciencia” No me crees? Simplemente “date cuenta”. Incrementa tu nivel de conciencia! Trabaja sobre ti mismo.

 En algunos momentos de tu vida posiblemente tengas la fortuna de experimentar estados de “conciencia alterados y/o incrementados”, es como si de repente te subieran el switch y te das cuenta del aquí y del ahora muy vividamente. Todo se “percibe” vibrante y vivo por algunos segundos, minutos, horas, días…etc. depende.
Cuarto camino diría que tuviste los Hidrógenos necesarios para lograr tal experiencia. Dicho sea de paso, los tiempos actuales están ayudandonos favoreciendo estas experiencias.

Es como si una ventana se abriera de repente hacia la posibilidad de un estado de DESPIERTO. El estado natural de un ser humano CONCIENTE.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Interesting News...


The Smallest Known Black Hole Has 20 Million Mile Per Hour Winds


Sometimes even scientists like Einstein were wrong!

Faster-than-light-neutrinos explained?

Carta a mi sobrina...

Hola sobrina! Te tengo dos aportaciones, a ver cual te gusta mas…la primera… dice …cómprale un AK-47 a tu hija pa’ que tenga con que defenderse, ya te viste lenta!.

 La otra dice que la realidad que estamos viviendo ahorita es perfecta para cada uno de nosotros pues es exactamente lo que nos corresponde vivir y va de acuerdo al sistema de creencias de cada uno de nosotros y a nuestro karma actual.   No podría ser de otra forma!  De no ser así no estaríamos en donde estamos. Aprovéchenlo! Aprendan todo lo que puedan, experiméntenlo a fondo, por eso y para eso están ahí! Cada quien esta en el lugar idóneo, para aprender…”experienciar” mejor lo que tenemos que experimentar, de acuerdo a nuestro nivel de conciencia!

Me hiciste recordar mis tiempos de revolucionario en México durante 1968, entonces fue perfecto para mi vivir lo que viví, perder lo que perdí y aprender lo que aprendí. Pues el sistema de creencias no se modifica tan fácilmente! Es trabajo de titanes!

Solo cuando tocas fondo, es que buscas la superficie!

Aunque también pudiese ser que lo que les toque hacer, es SER un ejemplo viviente para ayudar a tanta gente que según platicas lo necesita. Quizás, podrías seguir el ejemplo de tu Madre y compartir lo que sabes con quien quiera recibirlo. No lo se. Pero tu corazón si sabe!

Lo que tratamos de aprender aquí no es sobre la religión que separa al hombre, ni la que alimenta al ego. Es la verdadera religión (que no es una institución sino un estado de conciencia) que nos une en esencia, mucho más allá de dogmas y/o moralismos hipócritas!

No hace mucho tiempo yo me imaginaba que podía “HACER” muchas cosas, que podía cambiar esto lo otro u aquello a voluntad. Hacer y deshacer lo que yo quisiera! Y cuando yo quisiera!!!! Un poquito después me di cuenta que lo único que en realidad medio puedo disque “hacer” es… únicamente conmigo mismo, dentro de mi ( Claro que las consecuencias de esto son tremendas, y terminan afectando TODO tu entorno! O no?) en fin.

Tu hija de ocho años ya tiene su sistema primario de creencias adentro, ese lo adquirió como sabes principalmente del ejemplo de Uds.  los padres, familiares cercanos, amistades, escuela, TV, circunstancias, (Chakra Tribal) etc.  Y ese sistema de creencias ella lo escogió (Contrato Sagrado), para cumplir la misión a la que vino. Y si por supuesto que le servirá, pues es el sistema correspondiente al medio en donde se creó. Así que es perfectamente operativo en ese ambiente, y en algunos otros similares, por supuesto que este sistema de creencias es el que incluye “sufrimiento”, el cual viene incluido gratis, por cierto! Entre otras cositas más. Y va a “vivir” con el, va a “llorar” con el, y si también se va a reír con el, y va a “amar” y a “odiar” y todo lo “demas” con el y posiblemente también se muera con el y de acuerdo a “el”.

Porque puse con letras chiquitas todo lo concerniente al sistema de creencias? Porque todo lo que el ego hace es chiquito, porque no importa que haga (Así fuera tronar todas las bombas nucleares al mismo tiempo!) Su campo de acción es muy limitado comparado con la esencia. Se me vino a la cabeza nuestro dicho que dice…que el buey hasta la yunta lame! Pero a lo mejor durante el inter…en algún momento de su vida se cuestione y se pregunte…quien soy yo? Para que estoy aquí? A donde voy? Porque pienso como pienso? Quien es el que piensa? Por que sufro? etc...y quizás no le satisfaga solo preguntar, sino que como una verdadera GUERRERA, no pare hasta satisfacer 100% sus preguntas y mas allá, lo importante… su CONCIENCIA! Solo a partir de entonces algo diferente podrá surgir en ella! …A lo mejor resulta que no le interesa, o no le gusta…no te preocupes…o quizás le resulte incomodo…o de locos! Esta bien! Quizás todavía no le corresponda…quizás necesite un poco mas de tiempo…no hay problema…es perfecto! TODO es a su tiempo…o relativo a el…ya veraz que conforme crece…sus ideas también crecen con ella y su forma de pensar cambia con cada información o experiencia que recibe! Crece! NADA SE QUEDA ESTATICO, TODO CAMBIA todo se mueve. Y si al final… decide de acuerdo a su sistema de creencias y vota por el ego… También esta bien!

Lo que te toque hacer ahorita, no importa que sea… hazlo concientemente, sacale todo el jugo posible!

Mira… esto forma parte de mi chip actualizado!  Haz “download” de esto… es de 120V je, je! ojala te sirva

Decía mi Maestro…el perro que enseña los dientes, nadie lo pisa!

 Ni tanto que queme al santo ni tan poco que no le alumbre.

A la entrada de un pueblito…a diario estaba una persona que  le tiraba piedras a la luna!
 Todos lo calificaban de loco, un día llego la feria al pueblo y el concurso principal fue el de tiro al blanco…ya sabes quien lo gano!...

otro….en las márgenes del Ganges en la India …meditaba un Santo…todos los días. Un día escucho, sintió que algo había caído al río y sufría, después se percato que era un escorpión…el Santo le tendió su mano para rescatarlo…el escorpión se subió de inmediato y antes de bajarse a tierra firme el escorpión le dio lo único que podía darle, un buen piquete con todo el veneno que traía. Al día siguiente otra vez! Lo mismo, y así hasta que el Santo se murió, de tanta gratitud del escorpión!...Decía mi Maestro…Un Iniciado agarra un palo largo lo saca del río y lo avienta por allá, a donde no pueda hacer daño!

En una vida anterior Siddharta el Buddha, al percatarse de una tigresa con crios hambrientos se dio a si mismo como alimento.

La enseñanza de Jesús el Cristo según Mateo dice "Pero yo digo: No resistáis al que es malo; antes, a cualquiera que te hiera en la mejilla derecha, vuélvele también la otra; y al que quiera ponerte a pleito y quitarte la túnica, déjale la capa;" Mateo 6:39-40

Si no fuese por Judas el Izcariote a lo mejor no hubiesen crucificado a Jesús el Cristo, Imaginate! los cristianos no tendrían crucecita que colgar en el espejo de sus carros, o rosarios! Ni señal de la cruz! Ni crucifijos para las Iglesias! Ni a donde poner sus velitas! Bad business! Claro que a lo mejor tendrían otra cosa…no? …no lo se…

Según nuestro nivel de conciencia, actuamos…y es perfecto! Cada uno de nosotros tiene que cumplir a lo que vino!

Cada quien ve y vive lo que le corresponde ver y vivir…es perfecto, es lo que nos toca “hacer”! Si no me crees pregúntale a Judas, lo que le toco hacer... lo hizo a la perfección!

Yo por eso…a veces… le rezo a Luz Bella para que no deje al Cristo sin chamba! Imaginate! No, no que barbaridad! (LOL!)

A mi me gusta la verdadera personalidad su sistema de sabiduría y voto por la esencia!

Decía mi Maestro…Si comprendes las cosas son como son, si no comprendes las cosas son como son…

mis "ten cents"

A ver, como dicen aquí…ahí les van mis “ten cents.”…Así es esto de los cambios, pues! Cada 2500 años mas o menos el paradigma raíz cambia, y por este Imperativo Cósmico nos estamos moviendo del Creer(Piscis) al Saber(Acuario).  El sistema de creencias va a pasar a ser un sistema de sabiduría y quizás en la siguiente era, lo “usemos(Capricornio) por completo”. El ego trasmutara su estado actual para convertirse en la  “verdadera personalidad” para poder así SERVIR a la ESENCIA por fin!

 Estos son los tiempos finales en que el ego tendrá sometida a la esencia con su sistema de creencias.  La bestia ha andado suelta, y ha tenido libertad y potestad para “hacer” lo que ha querido por mil años (de hecho lleva mas de 2000 años ya!) esta escrito. El terror, el juicio, el miedo entre otras cosas están a la vuelta de la esquina, y esperate que se va poner mas interesante!

A donde nos toco vivir es el lugar idóneo, para aprender y “hacer” lo que tengamos que aprender y/o “hacer”, aquí y ahora!  Aunque todos hemos sido llamados, solo los escogidos por su trabajo en ellos mismos, serán los que trasciendan. …la semilla será separada de la paja…Mas allá de moralismos estupidos o creencias dogmáticas, que no nos llevan a nada.  Algunos trascenderán pues están  trabajando en ellos mismos, para alcanzar algo mas, y por eso se disciplinan, en cuerpo y alma! Trabajan sobre si mismos en cada instante, y esta bien para ellos, eso es lo que les corresponde “hacer”!

 A otros no les interesa, pues sus razones “personales” tienen, no hay problema! Cual es el problema? Cada quien venimos a hacer algo muy particular y de una forma muy singular. Unos tienen años meditando en una cueva por la paz, mientras otros siguen matándose en la guerra, o en las esquinas por el poder y/o control! Que esta bien y que esta mal? Desde que punto de vista? Y para quien? El ego o la esencia?

 No soy yo nadie para juzgarlo, cada quien esta “haciendo” y a hecho lo que le corresponde hacer…es perfecto! Que no nos gusta porque no va de acuerdo a nuestro sistema de creencias! Realmente lo siento o como dicen aquí, sorry!

 Decía mi Maestro…si comprendes las cosas son como son…si no comprendes las cosas son como son!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10 Bulls

 Chapter 01. The Search for the Bull

In the pasture of this world, I endlessly push aside the tall grasses in search of the bull.
Following unnamed rivers, lost upon the interpenetrating paths of distant mountains,
My strength failing and my vitality exhausted, I cannot find the bull.
I only hear the locusts chirring through the forest at night.

Chapter 02. Discovering the Footprints

Along the riverbank under the trees, I discover footprints!
Even under the fragrant grass I see his prints.
Deep in remote mountains they are found.
These traces no more can be hidden than one's nose, looking heavenward.

Chapter 03. Perceiving the Bull

I hear the song of the nightingale.
The sun is warm, the wind is mild, willows are green along the shore,
Here no bull can hide!
What artist can draw that massive head, those majestic horns?

Chapter 04. Catching the Bull

I seize him with a terrific struggle.
His great will and power are inexhaustible.
He charges to the high plateau far above the cloud-mists,
Or in an impenetrable ravine he stands.

Chapter 05. Taming the Bull

The whip and rope are necessary,
Else he might stray off down some dusty road.
Being well trained, he becomes naturally gentle.
Then, unfettered, he obeys his master.

Chapter 06. Riding the Bull Home

Mounting the bull, slowly I return homeward.
The voice of my flute intones through the evening.
Measuring with hand-beats the pulsating harmony, I direct the endless rhythm.
Whoever hears this melody will join me.

 Chapter 07. The Bull Transcended

Astride the bull, I reach home.
I am serene. The bull too can rest.
The dawn has come. In blissful repose,
Within my thatched dwelling I have abandoned the whip and rope.
Chapter 08. Both Bull and Self Transcended

Whip, rope, person, and bull -- all merge in No-Thing.
This heaven is so vast no message can stain it.
How may a snowflake exist in a raging fire?
Here are the footprints of the patriarchs. 

 Chapter 09. Reaching the Source

Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source.
Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning!
Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with that without --
The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red.

Chapter 10. In the World

Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees become alive.

Traditional Zen teaching

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Presence & Esencia

The presence (the ego) is basically composed of two parts: the true and the false personality. According to the Bardo Todol after physical death the presence survives for seven more weeks. All the substratum of experiences is part of the Essence. 
The Essence IS.

La presencia (el ego) básicamente esta constituida por dos partes: la verdadera, y la falsa personalidad.  Según el Bardo Todol después de la muerte física la presencia sobrevive por siete semanas mas. Todo el substrato de experiencias forman parte de la Esencia.

La Esencia ES.

Religioso o Spiritual?

Some human beings are evolving from religious to spiritual. The spiritual man sings and dances with the Krishnas, takes communion with the Catholics, sings with the Evangelists and Protestants, washes his feet with the Muslims, meditates with the Buddhists, reads the Tora in Hebrew with the Jews, practices yoga with yoguis and Sadhus, revolves endlessly with the Dervishes and remembers himself (awareness), without judgement, witnessing (mindfulness)... He IS one with ALL.

Algunos seres humanos estan evolucionando de religiosos a espirituales. El hombre espiritual canta y baila con los krishnas, comulga con los católicos, canta con los evangelistas y protestantes, se lava los pies con los musulmanes, medita con los budistas, lee la Tora en hebreo con los Judios, practica yoga con los yoghis y sadhus, gira hasta el cansancio con los Derviches y se recuerda a si mismo todo el tiempo, sin juicio, es testigo...ES uno con TODO.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are Parallel Universes?

What are Parallel Universes?

Recent discoveries in quantum physics (the study of the physics of sub-atomic particles) and in cosmology (the branch of astronomy and astrophysics that deals with the universe taken as a whole) shed new light on how mind interacts with matter.  These discoveries compel acceptance of the idea that there is far more than just one universe and that we constantly interact with many of these “hidden” universes.
What is needed is a resource that explains in understandable, non-mathematical terms everything from the big bang hypothesis to morphogenetic fields to Bell's Theorem to the Aspect experiment.
Such a resource now exists.
“There is no one reality.  Each of us lives in a separate universe.  That's not speaking metaphorically.  This is the hypothesis of the stark nature of reality suggested by recent developments in quantum physics.  Reality in a dynamic universe is non-objective.  Consciousness is the only reality.”
With those words, M. R. Franks, a life member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, a member of that organization since high school, and also a law professor, begins his new book, The Universe and Multiple Reality.  But what is multiple reality?  How do parallel universes interconnect?  What are the exact processes by which mind interacts with matter at the quantum level?  Those are the questions that Professor Franks tackles in his book.
Unfortunately, most books on parallel universes and quantum cosmology are written in language that an ordinary intelligent person cannot understand.
Discover the fascinating nature of the universe in which we live and the exact processes by which mind interacts with matter at the quantum level.
Understand parallel universes, multiple realities, and the hypotheses advanced by scientists such as Hugh Everett, Bryce DeWitt, David Deutsch and others. 
The Universe and Multiple Reality presents an understandable view of parallel universes and quantum physics––and explains what this means in our daily lives.
The Universe and Multiple Reality explains to the non-scientist reader in understandable, non-mathematical language the paradox of Schrödinger's Cat, the two-slit experiment, and recent developments in quantum physics and cosmology.
There are a great many other books on “parallel universes,” on quantum physics and multiple reality––but none that offers an understandable model of how minds interact with multiple realities at the quantum level to produce palpable physical effects including paranormal phenomena.
This book is a must for any intelligent person curious about the cosmic scheme of things and the place that their mind holds in it.

Alineacion Galactica 2012?

Por John Major Jenkins.
Documento extraído de

     Es importante definir que es en los precisos términos astronómicos  la Alineación Galáctica (ver el glosario al final del artículo)

     La Alineación Galáctica es el alineamiento del Sol, que tiene lugar en el Solsticio de Diciembre con el Ecuador Galáctico, este alineamiento ocurre como resultado de la precesión de los equinoccios.

     La Precesión es causado por la oscilación de la tierra más lenta sobre sus ejes y que  cambia la posición de los equinoccios y los solsticios un grado cada 71.5 años. Como el Sol está a medio grado de distancia, ( 1998 ) le tomará al Solsticio de Diciembre, 36 años para la precesión a través del Ecuador Galáctico y que esto de lugar a la Alineación Galáctica exacta.. (Ver diagrama inferior).

     El punto exacto del alineamiento de el Solsticio de diciembre (el preciso punto central de el cuerpo del Sol como se ve desde la Tierra) con el ecuador Galáctico fue calculado a ocurrir en 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, l997)

Por lo tanto, la “Zona” del Alineamiento Galáctico es =
1998 +/- 18 años = 1980 – 2016  esta es “la fecha 2012”.

     La Alineación Galáctica  ocurre una vez cada 26,000 años, y los antiguos mayas  señalaron con el 2012,  el final de la cuenta larga de su calendario.

                Estos son los hechos astronómicos acerca de este asunto. Desde una larga perspectiva, podemos visualizar el alineamiento galáctico del 2012 de las siguientes maneras:


       La posición A es donde el Solsticio de diciembre del Sol, estuvo en relación con la Vía Láctea hace unos 3,000 años.
La posición B es hace 1,500 años. Y
La posición C es la “fecha 2012”, cuando el Solsticio de diciembre del Sol esta en convergencia, como resultado de la precesión de los equinoccios, exactamente con la línea central de la Vía Láctea (El Ecuador Galáctico)
Nótese que el lugar del alineamiento es donde está localizada la “comba nuclear” o parte más convexa del centro de la Galaxia.
Una largamente esperada fotografía de la precesión y el alineamiento galáctico está ahora disponible en el sitio Web  Nick Fiorenza´s  . 

Una descripción del proceso se encontrará también ahí, pero debe notarse que Nick dice que yo me refiero a esto como el “alineamiento galáctico del solsticio” con una preferencia por el equinoccio como la referencia de medidas.  Por lo tanto, el habla  de la “Cruz Sagrada” de los ejes del equinoccio y de la Vía Láctea. El punto es que tanto el “alineamiento galáctico del solsticio” y la “cruz galáctica equinoccial” se refieren al mismo evento.
Espero que estas definiciones ayudarán a estandarizar la terminología de modo que podamos discutir con claridad el raro alineamiento precesional que culminará en la “fecha 2012”.


LA ECLIPTICA: Es el sendero que siguen el Sol, la Luna y los Planetas de nuestro sistema solar. La eclíptica circunda a la Tierra y está dividida en 12 constelaciones o Signos del Zodiaco.

LA VÍA LÁCTEA.: La brillante banda de estrellas al que nuestro sistema solar pertenece, Ella circunda la Tierra y es más ancha en la región de la constelación de Sagitario, porque es donde se localiza el punto más prominente o convexo de la Vía Láctea.

ECUADOR GALÁCTICO. -  El exacto punto medio que corre a lo largo de la Vía Láctea, es análogo al ecuador terrestre, y divide la galaxia en dos hemisferios.

LA HENDEDURA OSCURA EN LA VIA LACTEA. Una figura causada por el polvo interestelar  que corre a lo largo de la Vía Láctea desde el Centro de la galaxia  hacia el norte pasada la constelación de Aquila.

SOLSTICIO DE DICIEMBRE DEL SOL.- El Sol sobre el Solsticio de diciembre,  está a medio grado de distancia.

El PUNTO DEL SOLSTICIO DE DICIEMBRE. – El exacto punto medio del Sol, sobre el Solsticio de diciembre.

PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS. -  La Tierra se balancea muy lentamente  en sus ejes y esto causa que la posición de el equinoccio se mueva hacia atrás, o preceda a través de los signos de la eclíptica un grado cada 71.5 años, la precesión completa a través de la eclíptica,  se realiza aproximadamente en 25,800 años.

PUNTO VERNAL EQUINOCCIAL. -  esta definido por la intersección de la elíptica (eclíptica) y el ecuador celestial.

ECUADOR CELESTIAL.-  El ecuador terrestre proyectado hacia las estrellas. Es el plano de la rotación de la Tierra.

LA CRUZ FOMADA POR LA VÍA LÁCTEA Y LA ECLIPTICA. -  Hay dos de ellas y están exactamente establecidas una al principio de Sagitario y la otra al principio de Géminis. Esta cruz tiene la virtud de estar localizada en la protuberancia nuclear del Centro de la Galaxia.

LA PROTUBERANCIA NUCLEAR / EL CENTRO DE LA GALAXIA. – Una brillante y ancha región de la Vía Láctea, visible a simple vista y que se encuentra entre Sagitario y Escorpio, El preciso y abstracto punto central de la protuberancia o comba, es precisamente el  exacto Centro Galáctico, que esta localizado aproximadamente a 6 grados de Sagitario (sideral) y 27 grados en el Zodiaco Tropical.


Podemos tener una discusión más general de la historia de la alineación galáctica si consideramos que la alineación de los ejes del Solsticio con el ecuador galáctico cada medio ciclo precesional.
Igualmente el eje equinoccial se alinea con el ecuador galáctico cada medio ciclo precesional.
Por lo tanto, el alineamiento galáctico hablando más generalmente,  sucederá en la fecha 2012  (1980 – 2016) y cada cuarto de ciclo precesional antes y después de 2012.

En términos astronómicos Mayas y según su mitología, (Descrita en el Popol Vuh) la figura de la Hendidura Obscura (de la cual los Mayas decían que ahí se encontraba el Camino Negro a Xibalba: el inframundo) yace a lo largo del ecuador galáctico (la Vía Láctea) en el lugar donde el Solsticio de Diciembre del Sol ocurrirá en 2012. (Siendo más preciso, el Solsticio de Diciembre del Sol se extenderá hasta el extremo sur de la Hendidura Obscura donde ésta toca la eclíptica en Sagitario.) Por lo tanto en términos de la mitología Maya, podemos incluso interpretar el Alineamiento Galáctico de la fecha 2012  como el alineamiento del Solsticio de Diciembre del Sol y la Hendidura o abismo obscuro. Toda esta región es abarcada por la Cruz formada por la Vía Láctea y la eclíptica entre Sagitario y Escorpio.  Los Mayas también reconocían esta Cruz y la llamaban  “La Encrucijada del Árbol Sagrado”. ( ver Encrucijada en el Glosario del Popol Vuh) Esta región en su totalidad, se encuentra en lo que los astrónomos llaman “La Comba Nuclear” del Centro de la Galaxia - - El Centro de nuestra Galaxia La Vía Láctea. Como muchos astrónomos amateurs y buscadores de estrellas a simple vista saben, que esta comba nuclear puede ser vista sin la ayuda de radio-telescopios. Es más ancha y brillante que el resto de la Vía Láctea,  por eso en un sentido general podemos incluso decir que la alineación en 2012 es un alineamiento entre el Solsticio de Diciembre del Sol y el Centro de la Galaxia, sin embargo, debido a que la comba nuclear es muy larga, esta definición no es precisamente como decir: “el
Alineamiento del Solsticio de Diciembre del Sol con el Ecuador Galáctico”  la cual ocurre o tiene lugar en un lapso de tiempo entre 1980 – 2016. Esta es la zona de alineamiento a la que me refiero con el término “Fecha 2012”


The Emerald Tablet of Hermes

Emerald Tablet of Hermes

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes


From Jabir ibn Hayyan.

0) Balinas mentions the engraving on the table in the hand of Hermes, which says:
1) Truth! Certainty! That in which there is no doubt!
2) That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one.
3) As all things were from one.
4) Its father is the Sun and its mother the Moon.
5) The Earth carried it in her belly, and the Wind nourished it in her belly,
7) as Earth which shall become Fire.
7a) Feed the Earth from that which is subtle, with the greatest power.
8) It ascends from the earth to the heaven and becomes ruler over that which is above and that which is below.
14) And I have already explained the meaning of the whole of this in two of these books of mine.
[Holmyard 1923: 562.]

Translation of Issac Newton c. 1680.

1) Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
2) That wch is below is like that wch is above & that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing.
3) And as all things have been & arose from one by ye mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4) The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5) the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse.
6) The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here.
7) Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7a) Seperate thou ye earth from ye fire, ye subtile from the gross sweetly wth great indoustry.
8) It ascends from ye earth to ye heaven & again it desends to ye earth and receives ye force of things superior & inferior.
9) By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
10) Its force is above all force. ffor it vanquishes every subtile thing & penetrates every solid thing.
11a) So was ye world created.
12) From this are & do come admirable adaptaions whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.
13) Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world.
14) That wch I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished & ended.
[Dobbs 1988: 183-4.]

From Fulcanelli (translated from the French by Sieveking)

1) This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:-
2) As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
3) And since all things exist in and emanate from the ONE Who is the ultimate Cause, so all things are born after their kind from this ONE.
4) The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother;
5) the wind carried it in his belly. Earth is its nurse and its guardian.
6) It is the Father of all things,
6a) the eternal Will is contained in it.
7) Here, on earth, its strength, its power remain one and undivided.
7a) Earth must be separated from fire, the subtle from the dense, gently with unremitting care.
8) It arises from the earth and descends from heaven; it gathers to itself the strength of things above and things below.
9) By means of this one thing all the glory of the world shall be yours and all obscurity flee from you.
10) It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance.
11a) By it the world was created.
12) From it are born manifold wonders, the means to achieving which are here given
13) It is for this reason that I am called Hermes Trismegistus; for I possess the three essentials of the philosophy of the universe.
14) This is is the sum total of the work of the Sun.
[Sadoul 1972: 25-6.]
Took from

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love lyric...

Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved

John Lennon

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Meditation Quotes...

"Observing discipline and having heard and contemplated the teachings, one applies oneself intensively to meditation."
-  Vasubandhu

"The first and most important gigong meditation is called ru jing ("entering tranquillity"). Entering tranquillity means training the mind to be silently aware with any particular point of focus.  It is nothingness.  The mind is not thinking about but rather experiencing directly, immediately, without the mediation of thoughts and concepts.  Ancient Taoist classics called this "the fasting of the mind."
-   Kenneth S. Cohen, The Way of Qigong, p. 148

"He only is wise who devotes himself to realizing, not reading only, the ancient relevations.  Solve all your problems through meditation.  Exchange unprofitable religious speculations for actual God-contact.
-  Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, p. 315.  

Meditation is the art of staying in this present moment. A sleepy person either lives in the past moment or is dreaming about the future life. But a meditator stays in this present moment and is alert about his thoughts and actions.

Meditation is not thinking about any god, chanting any mantra or practicing any concentration exercise. Meditation is to be passively aware of our thoughts and feelings.

Meditation is to know oneself as one is. It is see our real face with out any mask. When we practice meditation then we are bound to come across dark side of our nature which we are suppressing in our unconscious mind. But through meditation we can transform these desires by being a passive watcher of them. (just a witness!)

Passive witnessing of thoughts and desires transforms them. Witnessing means to watch the thoughts with out interpreting, interfering or analyzing them. Witnessing is the art of just watching the thoughts coming and going.

Meditation can be practiced all the time and even in a market place. Meditation is all about being conscious and aware of our actions, thoughts and feelings.

Meditation is an twenty hour affair. One hour of meditation can not tackle the unconsciousness of rest of the day. Slowly we should bring our meditative quality in all our actions.

Meditation is not a goal or achievement. Meditation has no seeking or desire. In meditation we become aware of our desires and goals. If some one is seeking any goal through meditation then it is another game of mind and not worth pursuing it.

Most of these quotes were taken from Meditation Quotes enjoy!

Little Mouse

Hello Everybody!
This is an old native American tale that we love, if you read it before try it again! I'm sure your new eyes will show you something different this time...enjoy!

Once there was a mouse. He was a busy mouse, searching everywhere, touching his whiskers to the grass, and looking. He was busy as all mice are, busy with mice things. But once in a while he would hear an odd sound. He would lift his head, squinting hard to see, his whiskers wiggling in the air, and he would wonder. One day he scurried up to a fellow mouse and asked him, "Do you hear a roaring in your ears, my brother?"
"No, no," answered the other mouse, not lifting his busy nose from the ground. "I hear nothing. I am busy now. Talk to me later."
He asked another mouse the same question and the mouse looked at him strangely. "Are you foolish in your head? What sound?" he asked and slipped into a Hole in a fallen cottonwood tree.
The little mouse shrugged his whiskers and busied himself again, determined to forget the whole matter. But there was that roaring again. It was faint, very faint, but it was there! One day, he decided to investigate the sound just a little. Leaving the other busy mice, he scurried a little way away and listened again. There it was! He was listening hard when suddenly, someone said hello.
Hello little brother," the voice said, and mouse almost jumped right out of his skin. He arched his back and tail and was about to run.
"Hello," again said the voice. "It is I, brother raccoon." And sure enough, It was! "What are you doing here all by yourself, little brother?" asked the raccoon. The mouse blushed, and put his nose almost to the ground. "I hear a roaring in my ears and I am investigating it," he answered timidly.
"A roaring in your ears?" replied the raccoon as he sat down with him. "What you hear, little brother is the river."
"The river?" mouse asked curiously. "What is a river?"
"Walk with me and I will show you the river," raccoon said.
Little mouse was terribly afraid, but he was determined to find out once and for all about the roaring. "I can return to my work," he thought, "after this thing is settled, and possibly this thing may aid me in all my busy examining and collecting. And my brothers all said it was nothing. I will show them. I will ask raccoon to return with me and I will have proof."
"All right raccoon, my brother," said mouse. "Lead on to the river. I will walk with you."
Little mouse walked with raccoon. His little heart was pounding in his breast. The raccoon was taking him upon strange paths and little mouse smelled the scent of many things that had gone by his way. Many times he became so frightened he almost turned back. Finally, they came to the river! It was huge and breathtaking, deep and clear in places, and murky in others. Little mouse was unable to see across it because it was so great. It roared, sang, cried, and thundered on its course. Little mouse saw great and little pieces of the world carried along on its surface.
"It is powerful!" little mouse said, fumbling for words.
It is a great thing," answered the raccoon, "But here, let me introduce you to a friend."
In a smoother, shallower place was a lily pad, bright and green. Sitting upon it was a frog, almost as green as the pad it sat on. The frog's white belly stood out clearly.
"Hello, little brother," said the frog.
"Welcome to the river."
"I must leave you now," cut in raccoon, "but do not fear, little brother, for frog will care for you now." And raccoon left, looking along the river bank for food that he might wash and eat.
Little mouse approached the water and looked into it. He saw a frightened mouse reflected there.
"Who are you?" little mouse asked the reflection. "Are you not afraid of being that far out into the great river?"
"No, answered the frog, "I am not afraid. I have been given the gift from birth to live both above and within the river. When winter man comes and freezes this medicine, I cannot be seen. But all the while thunderbird flies, I am here. To visit me, One must come when the world is green. I, my brother, am the keeper of the water."
Amazing!" little mouse said at last, again fumbling for words."
Would you like to have some medicine power?" frog asked."
"Medicine power? Me?" asked little mouse. "Yes, yes! If it is possible."
"Then crouch as low as you can, and then jump as high as you are able! You will have your medicine!" Frog said.
Little mouse did as he was Instructed. He crouched as low as he could and jumped. And when he did, his eyes saw the sacred mountains.
Little mouse could hardly believe his eyes. But there they were! But then he fell back to Earth, and he landed in the river!
Little mouse became frightened and scrambled back to the bank. He was wet and frightened nearly to death.
"You have tricked me," little mouse screamed at the frog!"
"Wait," said the frog. "You are not harmed. Do not let your fear and anger blind you. What did you see?"
"I," mouse stammered, "I saw the sacred mountains!"
"And you have a new name!" frog said. "It is Jumping Mouse."
"Thank you. Thank you," Jumping Mouse said, and thanked him again. "I want to return to my people and tell them of this thing that has happened to me."
"Go. Go then," frog said. "Return to your people. It is easy to find them. Keep the sound of the medicine river to the back of your Head. Go opposite to the sound and you will find your brother mice."
Jumping Mouse returned to the world of the mice. But he found disappointment. No one would listen to him. And because he was wet, and had no way of explaining it because there had been no rain, many of the other mice were afraid of him. They believed he had been spat from the mouth of another animal that had tried to eat him. And they all knew that if he had not been food for the one who wanted him, then he must also be poison for them.
Jumping Mouse lived again among his people, but he could not forget his vision of the sacred mountains.
The memory burned in the mind and heart of Jumping Mouse, and one day he went to the edge of the place of mice and looked out onto the prairie. He looked up for eagles. The sky was full of many spots, each one an eagle. But he was determined to go to the sacred mountains. He gathered all of his courage and ran just as fast as he could onto the prairie. His little heart pounded with excitement and fear.
He Ran until he came to a stand of sage. He was resting and trying to catch his breath when he saw an Old Mouse. The patch of sage Old Mouse lived in was a haven for mice. Seeds and many things to be busy with.
"Hello," said Old Mouse. "Welcome."
Jumping Mouse was amazed. Such a place and such a mouse. "You are truly a great mouse." Jumping Mouse said with all the respect that he could find. "This is truly a wonderful place. And the eagles cannot see you here, either," Jumping Mouse said.
"Yes," said Old Mouse," and one can see all the beings of the prairie here: the buffalo, Antelope, Rabbit, and Coyote. One can see them all from here and know their names."
"That is marvelous," Jumping Mouse said. "Can you also see the river and the great mountains?"
"Yes and no," Old Mouse said with conviction. "I know the great river, But I am afraid that the great mountains are only a myth. Forget your passion to see them and stay here with me. There is everything you want here, and it is a good place to be."
"How can he say such a thing?" Thought Jumping Mouse. "The medicine of the sacred mountains is nothing one can forget."
"Thank you very much for the meal you have shared with me, Old Mouse, and also for sharing your great home," Jumping Mouse said. "But I must seek the mountains."
"You are a foolish mouse to leave; there is danger on the prairie! Just look up there!" Old Mouse said, with even more conviction. "See all those spots! They are eagles, and they will catch you!"
It was hard for Jumping Mouse to leave, but he gathered his determination and ran hard again.
The ground was rough. But he arched his tail and ran with all his might. He could feel the shadows of the spots upon his back as he ran. All those spots! Finally he ran into a stand of chokecherries. Jumping Mouse could hardly believe his eyes. It was cool there and very spacious. There was water, cherries, and seeds to eat, grasses to gather for nests, holes to be explored and many, many other busy things to do. And there were a great many things to gather.
He was investigating his new domain when he heard very heavy breathing. He quickly investigated the sound and discovered its source. It was a great mound of hair with black horns. It was a great buffalo. Jumping Mouse could hardly believe the greatness of the being he saw lying there before him. He was so large that Jumping Mouse could have crawled into one of his great horns. "Such a magnificent being," thought Jumping Mouse, and he crept closer.
"Hello, my brother," said the buffalo. "Thank you for visiting me."
"Hello Great Being," said Jumping Mouse. "Why are you lying here?"
"I am sick and I am dying" the buffalo said.
"And my medicine has told me that only the eye of a mouse can heal me. But little brother, there is no such thing as a mouse."
Jumping Mouse was shocked. "One of my eyes!" he thought. "One of my tiny eyes." He scurried back into the stand of chokecherries. But the breathing came harder and slower.
"He will die." Thought Jumping Mouse. "If I do not give him my eye. He is too great a being to let die."
He went back to where the buffalo lay and spoke. "I am a mouse." he said with a shaky voice. "And you, my brother, are a Great Being. I cannot let you die. I have two eyes, so you may have one of them."
The minute he said it, Jumping Mouse's eye flew out of his head and the buffalo was made whole. The buffalo jumped to his feet, shaking Jumping Mouse's whole world.
"Thank you, my little brother," said the buffalo. "I know of your quest for the sacred mountains and of your visit to the River. You have given me life so that I may give-away to the people. I will be your brother forever. Run under my belly and I will take you right to the foot of the sacred mountains, and you need not fear the spots. The eagles cannot see you while you run under me. All they will see will be the back of a buffalo. I am of the prairie and I will fall on you if I try to go up the mountains."
Little mouse ran under the buffalo, secure and hidden from the spots, but with only one eye it was frightening. The buffalo's great hooves shook the whole world each time he took a step. Finally the came to a place and buffalo stopped.
"This is where I must leave you, little brother," said the buffalo.
"Thank you very much," said Jumping Mouse. "But you know, it was very frightening running under you with only one eye. I was constantly in fear of your great earth-shaking hooves."
"Your fear was for nothing," said buffalo, "For my way of walking is the sun dance way, and I always know where my hooves will fall. I now must return to the prairie, my brother, you can always find me there."
Jumping Mouse immediately began to investigate his new surroundings. There were even more things here than in the other places, busier things, and abundance of seeds and other things mice like. In his investigation of these things, suddenly he ran upon a gray wolf who was sitting there doing absolutely nothing.
"Hello, brother wolf," Jumping Mouse said.
The wolf's ears came alert and his eyes shone. "wolf! wolf! yes, that is what I am, I am a wolf!" But then his mind dimmed again and it was not long before he sat quietly again, completely without memory as to who he was. Each time Jumping Mouse reminded him who he was, he became excited with the news, but soon would forget again.
"Such a great being," thought Jumping Mouse, "but he has no memory."
Jumping Mouse went to the center of his new place and was quiet. He listened for a very long time to the beating of his heart. Then suddenly he made up his mind. He scurried back to where the wolf sat and he spoke.
"Brother Wolf," Jumping Mouse said. ....
"wolf! wolf," said the wolf ....
"Please brother wolf," said Jumping Mouse, "Please listen to me. I know what will heal you. It is one of my eyes. And I want to give it to you. You are a greater being than I. I am only a mouse. Please take it."
When Jumping Mouse stopped speaking his eye flew out of his head and the wolf was made whole.
Tears fell down the cheeks of the wolf, but his little brother could not see them, for now he was blind.
"You are a great brother," said the wolf, "For now I have my memory. But now you are blind. I am the guide into the sacred mountains. I will take you there. There is a great medicine lake there. The most beautiful lake in the world. All the world is reflected there. The people, the lodges of the people, and all the beings of the prairies and skies."
"Please take me there," Jumping Mouse said. The wolf guided him through the pines to the medicine lake. Jumping Mouse drank the water from the lake. The wolf described the beauty to him.
I must leave you here," said wolf, "For I must return so that I may guide others, but I will remain with you as long as you like."
Thank you, my brother," said Jumping Mouse. "But although I am frightened to be alone, I know you must go so that you may show others the way to this place."
Jumping Mouse sat there trembling in fear. It was no use running, for he was blind, but he knew an eagle would find him here. He felt a shadow on his back and heard the sound that eagles make. He braced himself for the shock. And the eagle Hit! Jumping Mouse went to sleep.
Then he woke up. The surprise of being alive was great, but now he could see!
Everything was blurry, but the colors were beautiful.
"I can see! I can see!" said Jumping Mouse over again and again.
A blurry shape came toward Jumping Mouse. Jumping Mouse squinted hard but the shape remained a blur.
"Hello, brother," a voice said. "Do you want some medicine?"
"Some medicine for me?" asked Jumping Mouse. "Yes! Yes!"
"Then crouch down as low as you can," the voice said, "and jump as high as you can."
Jumping Mouse did as he was instructed. He crouched as low as he could and jumped! The wind caught him and carried him higher."
"Do not be afraid," the voice called to him. "Hang on to the wind and trust!"
Jumping Mouse did. He closed his eyes and hung on to the wind and it carried higher and higher. Jumping Mouse opened his eyes and they were clear, and the higher he went the clearer they became. Jumping Mouse saw his old friend upon a lily pad on the beautiful medicine lake. It was the Frog.
"You have a new name," called the frog. "You are Eagle!"

(The End, or perhaps a new beginning)