Saturday, July 20, 2013

From the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aquarius

“ Rabi, rabi where will the dinner be?...where ever you see a man carrying a pitcher follow him” .... “whoever drinks from that water will not be thirsty again”...and so on.
Today... the vernal axis has moved or is about to enter the NEW AGE. Why do I say that it’s about to enter...? Well, you'll see, even though we can track the moon displacements with lasers and look to the myriads of Galaxies out there with the Hubble, the Spitzer, the Herschel, the Kepler Space Telescopes, and other high-tech toys, we haven’t got the exact measurement of the vernal point, so we don’t know!

 Several esoteric schools have announced their own Avatar already; Baba-ji, the recently deceased Sai Baba, the Gnostics have their Samael Aum Weor who claims to be the avatar of the Acuarian age, From empress Wu in China to R L Hubbard in America... all have claimed to be Maitreya. What is interesting is that almost all important religions believe and mention this coming Avatar (Messiah, Mahdi, Maitreya, The Son of Men, Quetzalcoatl, Huiracocha, etc.) ... 
The prior Avatar left us a good amount of information about how or when his coming will be.
Read the parousia of the Son of Man....”it will only be seen by those that await” 
For every Age a couple of Avatars came...the Celestial (Sun Avatar) and the Terrestrial (Earth Avatar), usually the Sun Avatar shows the new paradigm (the theory to follow or accomplish) in the new age, and the Earth Avatar consolidates it in flesh and bone! As an example to us.
Just keep in mind that because of the negative or magnetic connotation of the age of Pisces all the sacred mysteries or esoteric schools where closed, and most of the information available to us lay people is cryptic. Nevertheless; we can tell that the New Age is really near otherwise we would not be talking about it. All this was occult before but not anymore! Little by little this is changing! All these great traditions of knowledge are opening their doors. So let the sunshine in, allow your consciousness to expand and grow!
The Acuarius-Leo Age is about Knowledge, Daring, Wanting and Creating
These are times that a lot of people of the past wished they had experienced, so rejoice and be grateful. We are who we have been waiting for and it seems we have something very important to do!
Thank you!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Any Road

if you don't know where you're going
Any road will take you there.